Thursday, October 3, 2013

Oct. 3, 2013 Update on BiLateral Adhesive Capsulitis

Since I began this blog and initially seen an orthopedic surgeon for diagnosis, my left arm has remained in a limited range of motion - movement laterally of 30%, unable to reach into my pack pocket, or reach my hair without moving my hair towards my arm for intended use.
My right arm has seemed to decrease in use and range of motion, it is certainly more sensitive to all pressure and massage therapy, the nerves in this arm seem to be hyper activated and throb on occasion.

My diet is focused on anti-inflammatory foods.  Those days I break and eat what my family is eating, I seem to feel the effects immediately and experience greater soreness or pain particularly with my right arm.

Sleeping at night, it is hard to tell my subconscious that I should not sleep on my sides.  My right side experiences sharp pain from time to time when I do and my left seems to tolerate it.  I have a pillow that is lower on one side than the other to switch back and forth from back to side as necessary. It helps but is not ideal, as I have not found the ideal pillow for pure comfort for side sleeping.

Treatments: I am currently working with massage therapy with a fantastic LMT that works trigger points to ease the muscle spams that seems to cease up to very tight muscles. I see her twice a week, giving my arms rest inbetween.  
Now I am working with both my massage therapist and physical therapist to soothe and stretch my arms as they are willing to be worked.  Somehow, pain so some degree is associated with the progress.

No matter what I read, it is not easy. I read about a doctor in Estonia that does work in Canada also and can help one overcome this in one appointment.  I am amazed at the idea.
Dr. Austin Oolo is the owner of the Trigenics® Physio-Rehab Treatment Centre in Toronto, Canada.

So we will see......

So what is Frozen Shoulder?

Actual Photos of Adhesive Capsulitis - Shoulder Information

What is a frozen shoulder ?
A frozen shoulder or shoulder stiffness is a disease of it´s own, which leads into a stiff shoulder. A typical symptom is a painful reduced movement. Using a microscope an inflammation of the synovia and the shoulder capsule will be recognized and as the disease progresses a thickening of the shoulder joint capsule as well as a shrinking of the capsule can be observed, histologically. 
Further questions can be answered on the listed website link above:
Signs and symptoms of a shoulder stiffness ?
Development of a frozen shoulder ?
Age and sex of a frozen shoulder
Who is affected by a shoulder stiffness ?
How to treat a shoulder stiffness

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Fixing Frozen Shoulder? We'll see.

Frozen Shoulder is a challenge indeed.  And one I must say is an inconvenience.
To overcome it, I have found takes eating alkaline to completely reduce the pain it delivers to your biceps, your shoulder, your sudden movement- the kind you take for granted.

When I am eating alkaline I feel completely different.  I start getting back a larger range of motion.
It sure beats the not being able to raise my arm above 4'oclock hand position on a clock.

I came across this link for the standard understanding of Frozen Shoulder.
You may like it.  "Fixing Frozen Shoulder"


Thursday, May 16, 2013

How EFA's benefit inflammation problems?

How EFA's benefit inflammation problems?

Published on Apr 25, 2012
Dr Udo Erasmus speaks about inflammatory problems and how they are the most common symptom of many diseases. He explains the benefit of essential fatty acids in preventing diseases.

Magic of EFA's

Udo's Blend Oils

Why do we need Essential Fats?
Just as a member of a large family has many roles, essential fats serve many functions in the complex workings of the human body. Taken in the right amounts and ratios, and taken from the right sources, essential fats help establish and maintain health as follows . . .
  • Increase energy, performance, and stamina. EFAs enhance thermogenesis, help build muscle, prevent muscle break down, and speed recovery from fatigue;
  • Strengthen the immune system. EFAs make hormone-like eicosanoids that regulate immune and inflammatory responses. Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory effects and can slow autoimmune damage;
  • Lower most risk factors for cardiovascular disease. EFAs (especially n3s) lower abnormally high levels of blood pressure, triglycerides, Lp(a), fibrinogen, tendency to clot formation, and inflammation;
  • Improve brain function: mood, intelligence , behavior, and vision. Our brain is over 60% fat. EFAs are important components of the entire nervous system. They are necessary to make the neurotransmitter serotonin. Depression and other brain diseases show decreased levels of omega-3;
  • Aid in weight reduction. EFAs help keep mood and energy up and suppress appetite, thereby aiding in weight loss. More recently, they have been found to block the genes that produce fat in the body (saturated and Trans Fat do not have this same effect) and increase thermogenesis;
  • Regulate organs and glands. Liver and kidneys, adrenal and thyroid glands, and the production of male and female hormones need EFAs;
  • Speed recovery and healing. EFAs are necessary for cell growth and division. They form all cell membranes and regulate vital cell activity;
  • Support healthy child development. For nervous system development, a growing fetus needs optimum EFAs from the mother's body. Mothers become depleted of EFAs during pregnancy, and need optimal EFA intake for their health and their children's optimum development;
  • Improve digestion. Poorly digested foods tie up the immune system and can cause gut inflammation, leaky gut, and allergies. Omega-3s improve gut integrity, and decrease inflammation and "leaky gut";
  • Decrease infection. EFAs have anti-fungal, anti-yeast, and anti-microbial properties, helping to protect against infections;
  • Keep bones strong. EFAs aid in the transport of minerals that keep bones and teeth strong, helping to prevent osteoporosis;
  • Protect genetic material. EFAs regulate gene expression, and omega-3s inhibit tumor growth;
  • Ease PMS. Studies indicate that omega-6 (GLA) intake was voted, by women, among the top three most effective PMS treatments. Omega-3s may be even more effective;
  • Produce beautiful skin, hair, and nails. Some of the first signs of EFA deficiency are dry, flaky skin, dull hair, and brittle nails. omega-3s can help skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne. Also, GLA (omega-6 derivative) administration is useful for some patients with atopic eczema.
  • May 16, 2013

    Today I felt armed and ready to fight the inflammation going on inside my body.  To live with any pain is not an option I want to live with.   Last night I was carrying a couple of cold drinks up to my daughter and caught the stairs wrong, in a huge effort to save the drinks, my left arm (bad arm) came down naturally to try and break my fall, while the other arm tried to save the drinks from spilling.
    An enormous wave of pain shot down my left arm (bad arm), I dropped one drink and managed to keep the second one standing.  All I could to to recover was walk quickly around the house in circles with my arm limp at my side, walk it off, walk it off, walk if off.  It took a few minutes to begin to calm down. And it did.

    Waking this morning, I set out to pick myself up some natural anti-oxidants/anti-inflammatories from Vitamin Shoppe.  I posted what I picked up in the previous post.

    They say how you feel is a direct result of what you eat, so today I focused on juicing and drinking alkaline.   Drank as much as I could drink; alkaline water, alkaline water with pHour Salts.

    About 6pm I fixed my girls dinner and ate a vegetable kabob with juice.
    To help with underlying pain, I took 2 Tart Cherry Extract capsules.
    Then took an epsom salt bath.
    Hydrotherapy is a known secret to faster recovery, so I put my huge garden tub to good use:
    I stretched my bad arm and my good arm as it floated and relaxed in the epsom salts.

    Then just before bed, I began using my new infared heating pad from Sharper Image. The magic of in- fared!!

    Result: I feel less pain than yesterday!  That's progress!
    Summary: I really like the hydrotherapy version of exercising, working that bad arm is no fun on the wall or counter. Less stress, less pain.  Hydrotherapy seems to produce greater range of movement I think! Least is feels that way tonight!

    Wednesday, May 15, 2013

    Operation Rewind - The Beginning to my Healing

    Operation Rewind

    pH Miracle Cleanse Regimine

    7am : Test & Correct pH
    Hydrate with Lemon/Lime
    Juice & Supplements
    12pm Test & Correct pH
    Hydrate -1 ltr & Green Powder
    5pm Test & Correct pH
    Juice & Supplements
    Hydrate as desired
    9pm Test & Correct pH

    30 Mins Sunshine Daily

    Hydrate options: Add any of: Cayenne, Ginger, Chlorophyll, Lemon, Lime

    Exercise: 20 mins Rebounding or Walking

    Detox: InFared least 15 mins -30 under FIR Pad from Sharper Image.


    Dark greens...
    Sprouts -Alfalfa
    Swiss Chard
    I have pH M Greens

    Fats and Oils:

    Udo's Blend Oils
    Flax Oil
    Hemp Oil
    Olive Oil
    Nut oils: Almond, Sunflower
    Pumpkin Oil


    pHour Salts

    Additional Products from Vitamin Shoppe

    Udo'S Choice Oil Blend
    Availability: In Stock - Will Ship Today
    8.5 Fluid Ounces
    N8-1160Now Foods 
    European Clay Powder
    Availability: In Stock - Will Ship Today
    6 Ounces
    VS-2061the Vitamin Shoppe 
    Availability: In Stock - Will Ship Today
    450 MG100 Each
    CF-1596Country Life 
    Grape Complete W/Pine Bark
    Availability: Ships within 1-4 days
    90 Each
    (Veggie Caps)
    Availability: In Stock - Will Ship Today
    50 MG90 Each
    (Veggie Caps)
    VS-1210the Vitamin Shoppe 
    Bromelain 500 Mg
    Availability: In Stock - Will Ship Today
    500 MG100 Each
    VS-2656the Vitamin Shoppe 
    Tart Cherry Extract
    Availability: In Stock - Will Ship Today
    90 Each
    (Veggie Caps)
    VS-1381the Vitamin Shoppe 
    Availability: In Stock - Will Ship Today
    500 MG100 Each
    Vitamin E
    Availability: In Stock - Will Ship Today
    100 IU100 Each
    WO-1005World Organic 
    Availability: In Stock - Will Ship Today
    8 Ounces
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